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It seems that these blogs have taken a “face” theme. This one will not be an exception.
I have begun to recognize familiar faces in town on my daily adventures. The woman in the beauty shop shows up in my first yoga class. All expected results of living in a small town. I may have moved from one small town to the next. There is a comfort feeling to seeing familiar faces. This past weekend I had a visitor from my previous small town. Seeing a familiar face from a previous space and time warmed my heart. It helps that it was someone I wanted to see again! I have always been one of those people who has good facial recollection. This I consider an asset for eye contact brings a sense of human sharing. Thou I do not think I could positively identify anyone outside of my immediate family and long time friends.
No two people have the same face. Ask any twin!
I am grateful to live at and in a time where I can see the faces of the people who matter much thru multi-media such as Face-Time and Skype. Because there is just something wonderful in seeing a friendly familiar face. Take that at face value!